A Royal Night Out: The Queen Mary’s 90th Anniversary Party

Last Thursday, September 26, I had the great pleasure of attending some special events aboard the Queen Mary for the 90th anniversary of her launching…namely, the unveiling of a replica of Her Majesty Queen Mary’s personal standard in Main Hall. I learned about the event when my wife and I stayed aboard in August, and I uncharacteristically decided on a spur-of-the-moment trip. I’m so glad I did! Unfortunately, my wife didn’t have the leave available, so it was a solo trip for me.

I flew in from New Mexico earlier in the day, which was smooth and uneventful. My mom and sister picked me up from the airport, and we went to join my dad for lunch. He had no idea I was coming. I greeted him with the old line, “I just flew in from Albuquerque and boy are my arms tired!” Corny, yes…but it was the perfect opportunity.

Anyway, I digress.

A Grand Party

The last time I’d attended such an event on the Queen Mary was back in 2010 during a crew member appreciation party. I didn’t have a tuxedo this time (it…uh…shrunk at the cleaners) but instead went with a vintage-inspired look which included a bow tie and black and white two-tone shoes (which I’ve wanted since I was nine). I got so many compliments on them! They’re definitely making more appearances on our upcoming cruises. 

Walking up to the Mary, a visitor asked me to snap his picture. I did and asked if he could do the same for me as well. He happily obliged me.

Me and the Mary. Author’s collection.

Stepping aboard, Main Hall was abuzz with activity. As I strolled in, I immediately saw one of my former crewmates, Danny, who was recently (and very deservedly) promoted to First Officer. We chatted and caught up. Other former shipmates – Captain James, Bill, and Paul – also stopped by and chatted. It’d been over five years since I saw them all, it was really great to catch up. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 12 years since I last worked aboard.

The Royal Standard

The ceremony soon began with remarks by the ship’s General Manager, Mr. Steve Caloca. His love and passion for the Queen Mary was instantly apparent. He introduced the crowd to some dignitaries, including Ms. June Allen, who sailed aboard the Queen Mary in 1946 as a war bride coming to America. He then went into a short history of the Royal Standard, which was gifted to the ship in May 1936 and proudly displayed in Main Hall until 1967. The Queen Mary Heritage Foundation graciously purchased the replica standard that was about to be unveiled.

Queen Mary General Manager Steve Caloca. Author’s collection.

Commodore Everette was sadly unable to make it to the event, but he was definitely there in spirit. As Mr. Caloca so perfectly said, he’s the heart and soul of the Queen Mary. Anyone who’s met him knows how very true that is. The Commodore has done so much for the ship over the years that he’s now become synonymous with the ship. He even officiated our wedding back in January 2019, and I count him as one of my dearest friends. We love you, Everette!  

Next up was the ship’s Director of Experiences, Mr. Dylan Matteson. He introduced the ship’s contingent of officers.

Captain James took the mic and spoke from the heart about the Queen Mary and her lasting legacy. He regaled the crowd with the ship’s remarkable history. Captain James recalled how, in December 1967, he saw the ship arrive in Long Beach from nearby Signal Hill. As he said, she’s “the survivor” and the last of the Golden Age liners afloat. There’s something truly unique and special about the Queen Mary.

Captain James. Author’s collection.

Champagne was passed around, and we raised our glasses to the Queen Mary and her next 90 years! 

At this, the Royal Standard was unveiled.

The Queen Mary’s officers with the Royal Standard. Author’s collection.

This new standard is an exact replica of the original and handmade in the United Kingdom. For the first time since 1967, Main Hall is graced with its presence. The Royal Standard is gorgeous in person and adds an elegant and historic touch. So much so that I find it hard to articulate. 

The Royal Standard reproduction. Author’s collection.

Alex Mendham and His Orchestra

Following the unveiling was a performance by Alex Mendham and His Orchestra in the Queen’s Salon – the former First Class Main Lounge. This was a separate ticketed event, but I’d been wanting to see them perform for some time and happily paid the $45. Attired in vintage tuxedos and playing popular songs from the 1920s-1940s, it was a stellar performance.

Alex Mendham and His Orchestra. Author’s collection.

The Queen Mary was alive in a way that I’d never experienced before! I was absolutely transported back to 1936. More than a few people were dressed up in period clothing, and the dance floor was packed for most of the evening (though there were plenty of non-dancers like me content with standing to the side and listening to the music). That said, during the band’s second set, Alex Mendham himself led a conga line around the room. I soon found myself joining in the fun. It was the first time in my life that I’ve ever joined a conga line.

Seriously, check their music out! Author’s collection.

After the show, I bought a 78 record and rather shyly asked Mr. Mendham to sign it. He very graciously did so, which I appreciate more than I can say. Do yourself a favor and give him a listen!  

My signed 78 record! Author’s collection.

After the show, I spent some time walking around the Queen Mary by myself. That’s always been one of my favorite things to do…even from before I worked there. The ship was buzzing with activity: there were so many people around and it was great to see. After so many years, it made me super happy to see the ship being so loved and appreciated. The Queen Mary definitely deserves it. 

Here’s to Another 90 Years!

In the end, the whole evening felt like a giant party. Because it was! There was so much good and positive energy aboard that night. It was great to see old friends and meet new people. I had an absolute blast! And I think my wife was sufficiently jealous that we’ll both be making it out for the 90th anniversary of the maiden voyage in May 2026. I have no idea what’s being planned, but I’m sure it won’t be an event to miss!

Me with Captain James and First Officer Danny. Author’s collection.

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